Welcome to your journey into cultivating balance & connection through & to Nature’s Wisdom.
Over the next 4 weeks we will be immersing ourselves into a connection with nature’s elements through movement, meditation, affirmations, journal prompts & nourishing food allies.
Each week as will delve into one specific element, you will find a bond building between your inner world (the microcosm) & the outer world (macrocosm).
You will not only cultivate a deeper connection to your inner landscape, but also notice a deeper resonance with the natural world & how we are not separate from it, but in fact are constantly in relationship with it.
How the journey works
Our journey is divided into individual elements for each week. Week one we begin with Earth. Within each elemental section you’ll find the practices, rituals & resources to support the cultivation of your budding relationship with your Self & life Itself.
Your Devotion
Please stick to the immersion of one Element per week without skipping ahead to ensure you gain the most potent connection to each Element within the specific 7 days.
Often we become tempted to rush ahead to the next phase & think completing the tasks quickly is being more effective. This is the way of the modern world. However, Nature is patient. It takes time to fully blossom.
Allow yourself the dedication to be within this immersion & the potency of the practices will reveal their magic to you. Each week unfurling like a beautiful rose with 1000 petals. Revealing more texture, depth & beauty already present within your life.
sacred space
Set aside a sacred space where you won’t be disturbed & that you can allow yourself to be fully present. Complete the practices & rituals with an inquisitiveness rather than seeing them as a task that needs to be achieved. Take the 7 days to experience all aspects of the Element. Maybe you do this by completing each aspect all at once & doing them all every day for 7 days. Maybe you take one aspect every day throughout the 7 days. See what naturally flows for you, yet keep the devotion to complete all aspects within the 7 days allocated.
enjoy the exploration
Allow the practices you learn here to become part of your modern life. Cultivate time to bridge the sacred & your every day living into one. These practices can be used every day as a way to realign you back to your deepest essence, or as tools to use when you simply feel you need them. Enjoy the process of getting to know your Self & life Itself this little bit deeper.